You Can Have Good Stats and Hurt Your Team
You Can Have Good Stats and Hurt Your Team
There’s no way to do something like this without substantially decreasing the company’s revenue. You decrease the revenue, you decrease profits. At least for a time...maybe they can eventually make enough cuts elsewhere to bring them back to where they were, but in Apple’s case, I doubt it.
Firstly, thanks for your respectful reply.
I am not the president, nor am I an expert on the finer elements of government regulation as it relates to manufacturing. However, as an engineer, I work tightly with US based manufacturers (and some Chinese), and I know a bit about the process. Here are my thoughts.
Doesn't he know that only Deadspin writers/commenters are allowed to complain about the media?
Enjoy your 50% ticket sales in LA because you’re all vapid faggots who will stop supporting a team once you realize they’re shit. You’ll have teams for 10 years and they will be gone guaranteed. LA is the wet asshole of the US.
I spent a lot of my young life thinking I had to hate football to be smart. Had to shed my blue collar family’s habits if I wanted people to think I was Serious and Mature and Intelligent.
they should’ve just fictionalized the whole thing, Costner as Goodell, Walken as a concussion doctor, Samuel L. Jackson as the confused Jim Caldwell type, Miles teller as the brain-damaged football player, Kate Mara as the woman who loves him back to health, Tommy Lee Jones as Jerry Jones, Lebouf as the rapey John…
Comparing a voluntary business transaction to rape is stupid and insulting. I was going to dismiss your comment but decided to leave it out there so people know what a dumb analogy looks like.
Ah the old “You knew I was a drunk when you hired me defense”.
I get the anger, but it’s just a game. Wishing a mass shooting on anyone is fucked up beyond belief. You should be ashamed of yourself.
You are a prime example of someone brainwashed by liberal media.
“Liking the same things people I look down upon like makes me feel conflicted and sad”
The purpose of this article is not to generate intelligent legitimate discourse. The article suggest that we are all either too stupid to form our own opinions, or we are too lazy. You are being told what to think.
It’s the preferred sport of Republicans, climate-change deniers, Christian fundamentalists, and people who think every American foreign policy issue can be solved by the 101st Airborne. The game’s in bed (possibly not quite the right term) with fundamentalist Christianity, anti‑intellectualism, and retrograde ideas…
During football season, you are either with us or against us. College football harks back to a never‑never time of moral clarity, a time when we didn’t need to think, just cheer, when we cherished our prejudices. .
Listen, I’m an academic too — a historian, actually (btw please don’t with the affected English “an”). And a rabid football fan. And I have to tell you, the smug elite/popular aesthetic you open this piece with is infuriating. Just...get over yourself. Every time I scroll back up to re-read a sentence, I find another…
A little puzzling why the headline and first paragraph of this story (which is all you can see before clicking the story) say nothing about health issues. Almost like the author would like readers to think this is over the protests.