
Do Americans really use the word “screw” when the rest of the world would say “fuck”?

the 6 billion other people on the planet would be measurably better off if the 200 million americans no longer existed.

The BBC doesn’t spread it’s cash amongst the other channels. We also have regular advertising and subscripton funded channels that have to compete against the BBCs huge budget.

To be fair, they produce a lot more actual TV than HBO does,plus radio and internet output.

$4.65 billion a year raised from the TV tax (which I, and many others refuse to pay)

we see Hector digging a bullet out of Maeve’s abdomen. They use real bullets.

Exxcept she was manipulated into not trusting Jon and feeling she needed an army of her own by Littlefinger correcting her when she called Jon her brother.


They’re only doing seven [episodes]

Why should Fox pay her a penny more than she is willing to work for?