Deez! 2016

Counterpoint? A lot of people who experience depression try to self-medicate and set off a vicious circle. Coke spoons on IG isn’t cool but when you’re wired and feeling brilliant, judgement also gets compromised.

My dad used to do this. Demand his time then drop us off with our grandparents the entire time to go out with various bikers and women who enjoy sleeping with bikers. It just boggles my mind that her would never even switch a weekend or a day to accommodate my mother, who had no family or support system just to make

I still don’t think tidal is a thing that actually exists. It’s like an urban legend, sure your cousins friend sisters boyfriend used it once. SURE. I BELIEVE YOU.

I’m willing to bet that Pauly Shore is probably not a good representative of “white men”.

I don’t know who that is, but he bears a definite resemblance to at least three Law&Order perps (SVU inclusive).

Really? He looks like Donald Trump, when he was younger and spray tan hadn’t been invented.

MD here. I promise I’m actually a good one and ALSO I actually had diagnosed Lyme disease as a kid, and got normal antibiotics. I have never met an MD who thinks that chronic Lyme has any real basis in medical fact, or as close to fact as you can get in medicine.

Most MDs, myself included, would agree behind closed doors that chronic lyme, fibromyalgia, and chronic fatigue syndrome, as they are commonly diagnosed, are all different manifestations of depression. But people don’t want to hear that they’re depressed, and people get angry when you point out this truth. As the

Elaine: My roommate has Lyme disease.

She also insists that she broke her back giving birth due to a potassium allergy (literally impossible for a human to be allergic to potassium). She’s not exactly reliable.

Yeah. Yolanda is not a good spokesperson at all. I’ve got chronic, autoimmune disorders (because where there’s one, there’s twenty) and seeing her closet full of pills and supplements and the million other treatments she’s doing makes me so twitchy and annoyed.

I’m not sure if chronic Lyme is real or not. I live in an area with a lot of ticks and we all fear Lyme. One of my aunt’s dogs died from complications of it. To be honest, I've heard of anyone suffering from chronic Lyme here. I'll have to ask around.

You don’t need to be an M.D. to see that Yolanda almost certainly does not have lyme. If I had to hazard a guess, I’d say it’s depression (which can absolutely manifest as physical symptoms) being exacerbated by menopause. It also seems like she’s being taken advantage of by a lot of people selling snake oil cures.

i’m not an MD, and the only person i’ve ever known with chronic lyme was also a pretty serious drug addict so IDK what’s real or not.

the First Amendment does not apply here. This is a private film festival. The first amendment is designed to prevent the government from punishing or preventing speech and expression. An organizer deciding to pull a film from a festival has zero first amendment implications.

Well, good. Wakefield can go peddle his double-down propaganda piece on fringe cruises and to the tinfoil-hat crowd. The Tribeca Film Festival risked their reputation screening this dreck, and it seems that finally sank in.

“We feel that screening a film that links vaccines to autism is irresponsible and despite our best efforts to spin it as a conversation piece, we have come to realize that there cannot be any productive conversation stemming from research published by a discredited quack.”

I have a harder time explaining Michael Jordan’s moves as owner Charlotte to my 7 year old than I do explaining homosexuality. He understands that it’s okay that a guy can be in love with a guy, he has no idea why Jordan chose Marvin Williams over Chris Paul and neither do I for that matter.

Every time I vote I use different criteria. So if this turns out badly, it’s on me.

“Hey Bill, do I have something in my teeth?”