No! We are special! Even our fuck ups are unique!
No! We are special! Even our fuck ups are unique!
TeamCatHQ has been MIA so I feel like I have to chime in for her...
I have ID channel on in the background and I’m pretty sure there were at least 3 versions of this story while I’ve been sitting here.
Edina Monsoon managed to raise a sensible, well-adjusted, and non-addicted daughter...
SheI have such a low opinion of Dina that my first thought was “her cash cow isn’t giving enough milk/cash anymore, so now she wants it to breed new cash calves.” This is horrible and, sadly, probably not that far from the truth.
She's not a regular mom she's a cool mom.
That was my favorite part, because you just KNOW if they wanted to dig up receipts, John probably had a higher GPA as well.
I feel like this buries the best part of the beef, where a Drumpf supporter called John Legend uneducated (because of course) and he responded, “actually the Donald and I graduated from the same university”. Daaaaaamn. You couldn’t plan for a more perfect burn.
Lindsay Lohan as a mother sounds like the worst idea since...Dina Lohan as a mother.
Dina Lohan is such an embarrassing human. I mean, damn.
I think you meant to write Dina Lohan wants Ru$$ian grandkid$.
i think i just lost my breakfast
I refuse to watch this trailer. I don't want to give them a dime or advertising money. And yet I clicked on this story, so they sort of win anyway.
If you take every word of the Bible literally you must be out of your damn mind or haven’t really read it.
Disobedient children are also deserving of death. As the father of three I’m kind of okay with that though.
Because in that case it would be fine. Of course.
Rubio talks about Muslims like they’re bears.