Deez! 2016


“Mommy loved me more”

Hard to believe one sex tape in (showing two people who are terrible at having sex) unleashed this hell upon us.

Oh, I used to fight with my siblings about stuff like that all the time. Who suicided in whose room and all.

Yeah, I mean he does have a unique perspective as a survivor, but for him to use that perspective to make statements about what could have happened if only everybody had been armed is ridiculous. To me, he’s coming a bit from a place of wishful thinking. What person who had experienced something like that as a kid

How is this putting us in an awkward position. I'm truly sorry he went through such a horrific ordeal, but he's still an idiot for pressing for this nonsense line of reasoning. Is he advocating that teachers now need to be in the position of making life or death decisions in an already high pressure situation.