

I would LOVE to see him have a go at the verbal section of the SAT. Hell, give him a run at the 8th Grade CAT. He shouldn’t have any problems as a High IQ Individual™!

Is the lazy corrupt racist orange santorum-covered enemy of the people secretly gay? After all, he wants to get off Scott Free.  

I never doubted you for a second. Although I think he’s memorized his sight words like dog, cat, shit hole, and loser.

When I read the part about Ivanka’s tits I thought, “yeah, this is the guy that implied he would have sex with his daughter if she wasn’t his daughter.”  Then when I read the part about her being his wife, I thought, “Michael mixed up Ivanka and Melania.”  Easy enough to do I suppose.

To be entirely fair, if you want that, you have to discriminate between reading things about himself and things not about himself. I’d be almost willing to bet that he can read just fine if it’s about him. And when it’s not, he can’t sustain the attention long enough to read, whether or not he needs to sound it out.