
"Every Star Wars fan, including myself, has a thousand explanations for exactly how and why the prequels were a catastrophic failure"

Millennial Historian - that part was already established in OT and was simply shown happening in the PT, so what you are really saying is that you want it to "move away" from Star Wars.
Every prequel attacker pretty much demonstrates they are not actually a Star Wars fan and don't understand the storyline of the entire

I'm sure that's a misquote and should have been Death Star and not Darth Vader. Darth Vader obviously was not "created" as he was Anakin Skywalker.

"There's an emphasis on physical, practical effects in the new films…" What a coincidence - that's just like in Episodes I, II, III - a fact despite the misinformation writers like you continually portray to mislead people - for what reasons I have no idea. It makes little sense. Indeed, there are almost certainly