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    Is there a way I can donate some proper swim wear for these kids? I am in Maryland and it has been scorching hot and it breaks my heart to see all of these pool incidents against people of color. It is just awful. But seriously if you can somehow find a way to make this happen I would definitely like to contribute.

    I think that is on a case by case basis. As we all know, there are many decent cops out there that will try to deescalate a situation rather then put someone in a body bag but other than that as a person of color I am not seeing the progress. America is spiraling backwards. 

    Many people do

    Hope the best for the kid but that cruelty that her Mom imposed on Mr. Rodriquez will leave a lasting impression in her mind and I’m guessing the kid has seen some of this on more than one occasion.

    Amen Mary.! So sorry this old man was beaten by anyone but really disgusted to see it was by a black woman. We don't like it when people tell us to go home, hell do we even know where exactly that is. Shame on this woman. A helpless old man. this just breaks my heart that she was so full of rage that she didn't take


    Well said and I second it!!

    I am so glad they caught this bastards. There are good cops of all races but when you find the bad ones no matter what the color, they have got to go!!!!!

    I bet you’re right. He probably has a prison detail tying them as we speak.

    We always knew it was festering but with the civil rights acts things calmed somewhat but unfortunately those rights are now be stripped as the USA spirals backwards. Our modern day lynching’s are being carried out by the men in blue most of whom where their white sheets at their rallies. It was swept under the rug

    Well said!!

    I love this family. Sadly I will be dead when this sweet little girl becomes a doctor but hopefully we have more of her out there. Such a shame the cashier was such an idiot. Kudos to the parents for not bashing her in the face. She deserved it for trying to plant a seed in this sweet little girl.

    I would like to believe her apology is sincere because we all make mistakes. I just don’t want to believe that every one wakes up thinking of racism and how they can hurt others. Part of the problem is white people just don’t really understand racism as much as they think they do. With that said since we have dumbed