Emerald D.V.

I started reading this and thought “wait a minute what site am I on?” I looked at the URL to see The Concourse on Deadspin. My heart stopped as I scrolled up to find the author. Ashley Feinberg! Gawker still exists! You just have to look a little harder to find its pieces.

This is the best sprots articel I have ever read.

“Yes humans, I too enjoy the chicken, fried Kentucky style, on the aeroplane with my human mother. Look at me holding this breaded chicken in my hand, smiling. Enjoying a Dieted Coca-cola, in a chilled glass, with frozen ice cubes. Yes, a big shout out to my main dawg and fellow human, Donald Turmp. We both enjoy

Nah. Peter (or AJ) eating rice is cultural appropriation.

Nah. Peter (or AJ) eating rice is cultural appropriation.

Buying Monster because you think cold brew tastes bad is the Marchman cereal list of beverage opinions.

Why do people keep bringing up Chicago gun control? Gun ownership and possession has been liberalized in Chicago and the murder rate has skyrocketed.

Actually, no, I’m not. Let me guess, you’re a gun-fetishizing prick who has no concept of the reality that guns actually DO kill people? An armed society is a polite society? Nevermind the fact that we leave every other developed nation in the dust with our rate of gun deaths—that’s just those bad guys who need a good

NBC= No Black Champions?

My personal preference is “please clap.”

Why do conservatives love liberal websites so much? Its like I cant go 5 minutes without someone complaining about how liberal a site is.

Why do conservatives love liberal websites so much? Its like I cant go 5 minutes without someone complaining about

Way to make a request and insult who you’re making the request to in the same post. Guaranteed to be effective.

Way to make a request and insult who you’re making the request to in the same post. Guaranteed to be effective.

maybe you should be a better dad

In short, this is an adventure in Ross Douthat’s apocalypse of sexually liberated women and laws designed to harm families, but with a happy ending only he could write. Imagine if God met the man at Yale, but then took him to Hot Topic.

You must be fun at parties.

I called the mayor’s office for further clarification. They said:

FYI, the “stadium supporter” Sylvia Greene is former Arlington mayor Richard Greene’s wife. He was Mayor from 87-97. That is, he was mayor when the current park was constructed. Hardly an unbiased fan.

That is a nightmare

This is a wrong opinion.