Emerald D.V.

“Gary Johnson!”

*takes notes*

Are u a moron?

Sad Drake is sad.

I love the wording of that law. I can’t help but feel that the following line should be:

If you haven’t entered yourself in a Turing Test before, you’re missing out on a real treat.

I spent the last few weeks thinking of a tree that we used to have in the backyard of our old house. All those hours I spent under that tree looking up as the sunlight dripped like honey through the leaves. When the thin cold wire of time wasn’t pressing pushing tight against my neck. There was time back then. There’s

Only a Becky would leave a comment like this.


It is pronounced, “Ruuuustee.”

They need that stuff to build the ring.

Nope. JR's calling matches for New Japan's US feed. Vince's not too happy about that.

Not anymore. You saw how fast they got rid of Hulk Hogan. Besides, Lawler will probably be back within 90 days. He nothing like Hogan, who's been on Vince McMahon's shitlist since 1991. The only reason Hogan came back to WWE was because Triple H convinced his father-in-law that bringing back Hogan was good for

Hell in a Cell

He got kicked in the nuts. Damn ref must have been out of the ring otherwise she would have been DQ’d

For a guy who died on live television, Lawler is looking pretty good

beat me to it:

He knows what God needs with a starship.

Performed the Corbomite Maneuver on a female crew member; bought her breakfast the next morning.