
I’m somewhat convinced that her narrative arc this season is that some queen will pull a gag each week and come out ahead of her despite the fact that she’s consistently the best.

I’m getting a Thorgy vibe, though Cracker is better at identifying and articulating her insecurities, which makes her near-wins all the more aggravating.

I’m really nervous cause she’s either gonna be killer or she’s gonna be too risky. Like I thought Trixie would OWN snatch game in All Stars since she’s so comedic (although up against DeLa no one stood a chance) and she totally failed.

safe doesn’t win this competition.


I’m glad my roommate works nights cause last night I yelled, “ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!”, when Cracker was made safe.

I’m just here to say that I’m in love with Miz Cracker so so much. I don’t know if she stands out enough to win the whole thing but god damn is she entertaining every time.

He’s 84.

She’s not talking about others or speaking for them. She’s only talking about herself and what’s right for her. Her body, her experience, her choice.

But bank robbers and murders are sentenced differently...i mean you’re kind of making the point you seem to be against.

Slap pregnant troop in face - Fine.
Kneel during a song - Destroying America.

It’s almost like there’s some sort of connection here... about a certain type of person... who doesn’t respect another, different type of person... But, I can’t figure it out.

Yep exactly. My first thought after reading the headline was “Of course Colbert does, because Fallon is fucking trash.

Never forget.

Hopefully never and also it will transition from being ironic millenial wear to something normal people can use. Fanny packs are THE most convenient way to carry stuff with you.

It’s something that definitely needs to be taught at schools, alongside ethics.

I just bought one to wear while running and/or walking my dogs, and I’m so embarrassed by it. Mostly because I look like I’m trying to be athletic and I’m pathetically out of shape :’(

Wow for someone who is “ok with that” you sure went through a lot of trouble to bitch and whine about people who are rightfully upset about this, including creating a secondary troll account to back yourself up.

You’re close, but here I’ll fix it for you:

I give up.

I’m real sick of police acting like they work for corporations.