I can attest to Amber’s story about Hasidic Jews in Williamsburg - they don’t give a fuckkkkk about rules of the road. They double park EVERYWHERE and act like there are literally no such thing as traffic laws.
I can attest to Amber’s story about Hasidic Jews in Williamsburg - they don’t give a fuckkkkk about rules of the road. They double park EVERYWHERE and act like there are literally no such thing as traffic laws.
I hope he’s found guilty. Maybe the change i climate with metoo will help but I’m not optimistic
I’m over the “I’m Beyonce thing”, too. Beyonce is a great performer, but in my opinion, Solange is the true artist in the Knowles family.
I agree with this assessment. I don’t think the producers wanted this season, much like season 6 with Bianca to suffer from a “clear winner from day 1” syndrome. It’s more compelling television to not know who’s going to win.
Add to the conspiracy theory the fact that Bebe could arguably have won that lip sync had she not removed her wig, a well-known tactic for losing. So whatever else is going on here, it’s clear that the producers wanted to bring the drama by supporting Bendela’s decision to go. If Bebe is indeed a plant, this is just…
I follow both of them on instagram and sometimes you get peeks into their relationship. He, rightfully, worships her. She is an absolute Queen. Also he holds Olympia like a football lol.
And not a moment too soon.
“Just because you are a faith-based organization, doesn’t mean you have to check your faith at the door and cannot participate in government programs,” Ligon said.
Yeah, I’ll save my sympathies for the dozens of women her father raped and she denounced.
Hopefully something good will come out of this tragedy and her dad will keel over and save us another round of expensive trials in which the jury doesn’t understand anything.
Stopped reading at “to make yourself famous?”
I think Steinem is a brand now, not an actual, positive force for feminism. There seems to have been too much risk for people like her to come out in force in the face of the ongoing horror show that lots of women continue to face in the workforce. Maybe she thought if she started shouting again it would seem like her…
You can argue that they may be overrated, but they are still a consistently fantastic band that happens to be very popular.
To me, the soup can bit was something they clearly sat down with a graphic designer and had them make for them with some guidance or based on a sketch, and adding that layer of a creative person between them made it less interesting. I don’t think it would look great if they made the cans themselves, but it was just…
Aja’s look was attractive and stylish, but the judges were right that the visual referents were off-the-mark, and just a little scattershot. It was a matter of failing successfully, but one that combined with her lackluster, vague soup can concept.
He has specifically stated that the treasure is not anywhere that’s dangerous to get to. I’m poor and I think this sounds fun. Adults should know better than to go out into the wilderness unprepared.
Probably more like-
This is awesome, this could be a watershed moment...these high schoolers are already eligible or close to being eligible to vote...this shit can spread like wildfire quickly and all those gun Nazis are going to wish they just agreed to a few token laws to get the youth off their backs.