This is the world we live in.
It’s actually sad to read some of these comments. Why are people threatened by someone enjoying something differently than they do?
People getting belligerent with the OP because he’s talking about how something he owns fits into his life based on his specific circumstances. What the hell is wrong with you guys? Nobody’s telling you what to do here, so climb back into your holes and rest assured that your way of living is not actually under siege…
“I am writer.”
Everyone has their own set of problems. Yours sounds like a lack of empathy?
This morning, I woke up to a string of headlines declaring that journalist Geoff Keighley had teased a major…
We literally talk about how we don’t care that Peach is kidnapped in this podcast and how a large part of this issue comes down to tradition. Altho, I think you’re being unfair in saying only opinion writers care about this when the question of whether or not Zelda can be a fighting hero is *literally the story of the…
Breath of the Wild makes you care about Zelda by making her pain palpable. By that measure, Zelda’s journey is a…
I’ve been working with Cecilia on this story since Thursday, when I warned her that things would likely blow up over the weekend and that she might have to work Saturday and Sunday. Which she of course agreed to do immediately, because she is a trooper. Her hard work is the reason that this story is more thorough than…
The influential gaming forum NeoGAF is imploding in the wake of an accusation of sexual misconduct against the…
Board games. They’re fun! And loads of people who play them also play video games. And the companies who make board…
My friend Kit Reed died on Sunday. She was a prolific, award-winning writer of speculative fiction. Her cluttered…
There was a point when this felt more true, especially when there were things like on disc DLC, but at this point I feel like DLC has reached the point where it’s in a pretty good place, most DLC these days feels different enough, and is usually developed after the fact that it’s worthwhile (or at least less shady).…
Pretty sure those same gamers would be toxic regardless of how much info they were given.
and i bet a good number of comments on this article will completely justify it’s publication.
A fellow dev of mine works on a really popular (read: top 10 on steam) game, and is on Twitter a lot. Even when he tweets really benign things, the first comments are some variation of “fuck you, fix ur game” or “why are you talking about xyz when you could be doing abc in the game bitch.”
Biggest example, gamers who think “DLC” automatically means the content was removed from the main game just to make a quick buck.
Video game enthusiasts often muse about the secrecy surrounding game development, which is at times treated as if it…