
I saw the film on a plane. McCarthy was great, as was Richard Grant, but the film itself was mediocre at best. I fell asleep watching it and wasn’t the slight bit interested in picking up where I left off on the flight back. What a terrible year for films. Should have made Black Panther Best Pic. It was the only

It sucks that when this country *needs* to do something, like provide day care, it steps up & gets it done. Tinsworthy mentions that he was responsible for setting up day care facilities at defense plants during WWII. The need for women workers was so great that employers had no other choice. Women couldn’t work 48

My job has only gotten worse over the course of 10 years. We used to have paid lunch breaks, now they tacked on an extra hour to my day, and I expected to eat lunch while I work (WTF?). We used to have paid sick time, where you were charged for the incident, like having the flu, 1 day instead of the 5 days of ‘PTO’ I

I’ve been fired many times in my life (usually shitty customer service jobs where THAT customer got on my last nerve), but the one that hurt the most was a job that was literally my dream job, that I loved with every fiber of my being. They told me I was a bad manager, and it just destroyed me, because I always

Yep. It’s called feeling THREATENED and it is a pathetic display. Strong leaders/managers/directors don’t act like this.

To have something that is such a constant in your life pulled out from under you is SO...shocking,’s a type of grief, really, that loss. People SHOULD talk about it more. When I was younger, I had just started dating a guy I was CRAZY about. We were only a few months in, but I knew I loved him. One

So sorry this happened to you. Why don’t people understand that some suggestions aren’t an attack? I’m mostly an editor but even in post, folks can be really touchy and averse to suggestions.

Good for you for being open as well! It’s all too common for people to feel like they’re the only one who isn’t succeeding [or who isn’t happy, or who isn’t stylish and gorgeous, or who isn’t all of the other positive things we very selectively allow on our social media feeds].

I worked on a film in 2008 as a cameraman. The DP was shit, but he was the childhood friend of the director. Anyway, when we fell behind schedule because the DP lost a production day not accounting for the weather for the outdoor shot, and I got the day back by telling the producers how we could should an interior

Being fired can feel extremely lonely and scary. It’s probably different when you’re not sure how you’re going to pay your bills, but I’m sure it still sucked for Moore. I was fired and I feel like it was the end for me, I had no options, and I considered suicide. The only thing that helped (aside from getting another

Context is important. One time I was dismissed from an important committee. Someone told me that, a couple years down the road, I would look better, *because* I was dismissed by them for standing up for my principles.

Oh my God, a job where you only work eight hours, including lunch. And all the hours are consecutive. And nobody can send you an urgent-flagged email at 9 PM Friday and expect you to stop fucking your partner/watching Game of Thrones/huffing glue to respond.

Maybe enduring 1980's fashion was worth it?

This is great for parents and grandparents who have access to broadband high speed internet that is needed for streaming. My mother has begged a variety of internet providers for years to bring high speed access to her home. Her home is rural, but by no means remote. There are about 50 homes on her road, most of which

Have very similar things at my workplace. Upper management of my group is a raging homophobe (refused to interview an highly qualified internal candidate for a position because he’s gay)and known to scream at people. A supervisor has physically grabbed an employee and made several outright cry by screaming at them.

I actually really love that she’s talking about this. I had a shitty review at work this week, and feel like a total failure at life. To think that someone as respected and established as Juianne Moore could be fired kinda makes me think “you know what, no one is immune from this shit.” I know the shame she’s probably

Here’s something that happened literally yesterday that is straight out of that movie.

A LOT of cops believe that MOST rape reports are just women ‘regretting’ sex. So they actively avoid running rape kits.

The military has a major rape problem and the way it handles it is to sweet it under the rug and shame women into silence. If I had a dollar for every time I heard someone say ‘He’s a good man, this will ruin his career!’ or some variation on that... I wouldn’t be poor.

As a middle-aged man who has seen the changes in the workplace over the last 30+ years and been supportive of them, I was completely with you right up until the castration remark.

The man who stopped my career in its tracks is on this list. I didn’t know there were other women who had suffered the same thing (his name is in red, so there are multiple accusers ), I didn’t know his name was on it, I didn’t even know the list existed. Guess how I found out? Stephen Bloody Elliott’s lawsuit, that’s