
I totally see where your point of view on this and I wish it was always like this, a woman tells another her husband/boyfriend is a scuzzbag propositioning other women and she then dumps them. Unfortunately I have seen way too many times what Cestrumnocturm1's post describes. You’re the fucking slut that was coming on

Yeah... As a girl myself I have never understood why some of us choose to turn on each other in these instances instead of banding together to kick his ass...or to perpetrate other possible acts of mischief against him.

Ok... Is this a real thing now, this plastic doll Botox look? Are people actually going in asking surgeons for this on purpose? Didn’t this look use to be an unfortunate accident? I kinda have the feeling that Chyna was at the very least in the adorably cute category before all the surgery. (I mean that as a

I’m sure it’s already happened...


No sorry... was trying to convey serious helpful advice vs being a snarky bitch. ;)

nutmegcinnamon, If I may offer some advice...

Bless you so very much! ❤️❤️❤️