Sniffling plus absolutely massive pupils while being brightly lit from the front for television equals chopped and snorted Adderall, most likely. Seriously, look at his fucking pupils.
Sniffling plus absolutely massive pupils while being brightly lit from the front for television equals chopped and snorted Adderall, most likely. Seriously, look at his fucking pupils.
Yeah, uh... if you’re basing your opinion on the first six episodes of a 7 season television series, six episodes which everyone from the fans to the show runners and writing staff acknowledge were markedly different from the rest of the series in regards to character portrayal and development, I think maybe you’re…
Uhhhhh, yup. I used to know one of their personal assistants. They’ve been engaging in “loving exploration” for at least the past decade.
Anything is possible. Also it helps that ASIB apparently peaked early in the season and movies that came out more recently have far more buzz behind them. She might get a nomination but I’ll remain hopeful that she doesn’t get to take a trophy home for being in a bland-ass 4th remake of what was a bland-ass story to…
Yup, mentioned that... I’ve never seen the video, although it’s out there if you’re willing to look for it. I hear it’s the pure embodiment of YIKES and NO and I really don’t ever need to lay my eyes on that work product, thanks. Just throw them all away, please and thanks.
Yeah. That’s why her willingness to work with R. Kelly and Terry Richardson is so fucking appalling.
Age of consent isn’t stopping R. Kelly from abusing, though. After his 2008 acquittal he switched it up, and now his targets are right at the consent age limit of 17 for Illinois. And let’s not forget Asante McGee, the 35 year old superfan he groomed for two years before moving her into his Atlanta house and starting…
I’m hoping this fucks up Lady Gaga’s chances at an Oscar this year, seeing as how she not only collaborated on a song with him a couple of years ago, but also made a video with him and Terry Richardson that was so fucking creepy her own people were like “honey no we cannot put this out there”, AND THEN had the…
But how can you enjoy his music now? Because when I try listening to it, I can’t get the image of him abusing young women out of my mind. And since the majority of his music is emphatically about fucking young women, it’s REAL hard for me to separate the “art” from the “artist”. How’d you manage it?
YES. Please sue everyone, you malignant little nasty ass predator. The discovery process will be INCREDIBLE.
So it sounds like what you’re saying is that in a romcom where the female protagonist has a larger body, the problem to be solved is her body, and that should be acceptable because the premise of all romcoms is “solve a problem, find love”. Is that a fair interpretation? And if so, can you see how “your body is a…
That whole “not even Indians want it changed” thing must be one of the big talking points... a while back I was talking to a dude from the Midwest who trotted out this exact same line of thinking. It was weird, too, because dude prided himself on being waaaaaay too left-leaning for the area he lives in, yet he…
I’d figure the wick also matters... most candles (like 80%) made in the US use cotton or cotton/paper wicks, but there are still some candles available stateside that use a cored wick where the core material is some kind of metal. Lead wicks were banned here a couple of decades ago but I wonder what other country’s…
Oh, Armie. It’s gauche to post a pic of oneself with a deceased person in memoriam, but not gauche to throw such a huge Twitter tantrum when a female journalist writes an insufficiently dick-sucking profile about you that it drives your idiot fans to threaten said journalist’s life?
The squares are always closet freaks. Always.
Lucky!! I’m just glad I remembered to pre-order her book so that it counts toward her first-week sales. Can’t wait to read it.
I mean, did you read the article? Or did it seem more advantageous to just get all het up about the title and then get snide with comments pointing out that you’ve misunderstood everything?
Watch the first cycle of America’s Next Top Model, it’s available on Amazon Prime, and see how long you last past the moment in the episode where all the contestants are gathered together in a room, weighed in front of each other, with the number called out for everyone to hear and comment on. I think that happens in…
Definitely better than becoming Karlie Kloss Kushner... that’s REALLY not a cute monogram, you feel me?
“I can think of at least one other reason: The mom has a history of pulling this kind of last minute ‘take the kid, no don’t take the kid, yes take the kid’ bullshit and he assumed that this was another flake-out.”