
When you said good, I briefly thought it was really the good one. You know, when Han Shoots First. I refuse to recognize there’s another trilogy. There might be a misbranded wooden soap opera somewhere, but there is only one trilogy.

When you said good, I briefly thought it was really the good one. You know, when Han Shoots First. I refuse to

These are perfect for DVRs, secondary storage for photo/video/music libraries. I wouldn’t put games on them myself

These are perfect for DVRs, secondary storage for photo/video/music libraries. I wouldn’t put games on them myself

Get a ruler, draw some lines, he was moving to pass the truck in the outside lane. One must, in fact, get close to the vehicle in front in order to pass it...

Someone please tell me when the armor has ever, ever won the “Arrowhead vs armor” innovation contest.

Dammit, now I’m homesick. Sleemans, snowmobiles and denim clad mullets in one post, it’s the trifecta!

Sounds like the Imperial System

I have not served, but I honor and respect those who do.

Ok, I’m a 12... and I chortled. Star for you!

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