
Pbbbst. Probably the entire Hobbit trilogy, because that shit is inexcusable.

Why isn’t i09 tearing the ass out of *this* for appropriating aboriginal culture?

Bunyip sounds terrifying, but Billabong? That sounds like yuppie surf wear. I’d be snickering the whole time as it rips my arms off.

Oh, but don’t tell that to the Everything-Is-Offensive brigade.

She lost me with the whole "It's not your world." Um, yes it is. JKR created this world. She can do with it what she likes. Bitch about it. Boycott it. Use it to educate. Whatever. But it's her story.

As somebody who doesn’t live in the USA and is therefore not drowning in a morass of racial neuroses, I don’t find anything remotely offensive about Rowling’s description of Native American magic.

At least this article is filed appropriately. It starts out re-iterating already-discussed problems with J.K. Rowlings generalizations of Native Americans, lumping them all up as a single group, etc, etc.

What part of “fictional history” did you not get? You know, I was willing o listen to the Native American complaints. I really was.