
If you’re just holding block and button mashing you aren’t doing it right. Try timing your block so you get a parry every time. use your signs while fighting. Also, try and remember that there is plenty more to fight than just humans. like wraiths that require certains to make them physical beings. If you use the

It’s called omni-directional gear. get it right doood.

this is cool and all, and Idon’t agree with the hate from that first guy up there, but why not do cosplay from everyone, i’d rather see everyone instea of a singled out demographic. but i guess these are cool for what little content is actually here.

what people fail to understand is that the patch came out before the actual game did, meaning that at the time of release the patch was available and downloaded and installed for you. People who broke street date didn’t buy the finished product. That’s kinda their own fault

yes thank you. this game is exactly as advertised they don’t deserve any hate. consumers just didn’t actually pay attention and came up with what they thought they would get. not Hello Games fault at all. I can’t remember how many times Sean specifically said, “this game is not multiplayer and will be a niche game.”


still by definition “hacking”


It’s possible they did this with the intention of taking it back and giving out the ten dollars. This would be so people got a taste for the game and want more. Now they can get it for ten bucks cheaper and Microsoft just sold potentially hundreds of copies one the license wad revoked

I think your biggest problem is that you actually care what’s in a lot box lol. I enjoy opening then but I don’t really care what I get. Keeps it enjoyable for me. I also tend to use characters that I usually wouldn’t when I get their legendary skins. So to me it’s a win win.