
Two of my switches work so stiff small kids fingers aren’t strong enough to work them. Industrial, 300 volt, 20 amp motor rated switches on plain old 120 volt lights that draw 1/10th of an amp, so yea, the tyranny of the light switch can actually be a real thing. Lovable little monsters.

She is just so racist. If she were given to facts she would know better.

The article fails to look at the value of wisdom teeth, which is for food grinding. The front teeth slice food off like a chisel, the back teeth grind food. The value of a tooth for slicing is a function of available bite force divided by tooth area, while the value of a tooth for grinding is a function of available

Amazing. That’s really different. Just as an example, an engineer designing something has to not just see it, but see it, rotate it, flip it, and then draw the imaginary object they pictured like it looks from at least three sides. Engineers visualization abilities are above average, but most people can see one side