deena braun

I wonder if TG is leaving so Shonda is pushing hard to make Jake sexy? To make him the leading man. To make Olake the sexy couple going forward. NO Shonda. SF is NOT sexy; he can't act; there is no chemistry between him and OP. Everyone sees it but Shonda. She had gold in her hands with TG/KW and blew it to

Someone said: Tony Goldwyn showed up, and showed OUT! Yes. Initially, many tuned in to see Kerry Washington, but STAYED for Tony G. The way he plays his character made millions fall in love with his heart-felt love. He made you BELIEVE in his love by the way he emotes feelings. I've never seen another actor do that so

ABC is in third place behind the other major networks. That's not doing good against the competition and believe me it will get worse until/if Shonda remains showrunner.

A night that USED to do well. Ratings are dropping like hot cakes. Watch ratings drop more and more as the crappy writing continues.

ABC might not fire Shonda; but she NEEDS to be fired. Bring in a showrunner/writers who know how to write compelling story lines and healthy, adult, loving relationship arcs for Olitz. Then and only then might some of the fans tune in again.

Chris without Fitz, even more so than Olivia, the show would immediately TANK. Women love Fitz. Without him, millions of viewers would lose interest immediately.

John, you just said it all. She is destroying Scandal for her untalented pet. Can't believe ABC/Disney is allowing her to affect their bottom line like this. Are they tone deaf? Don't care? Scared of SR? What?

Shonda doesn't know how to write compelling stories past 2 seasons; then she resorts to cheap, sex sells soap-opera. Disgusting and obviously with ratings falling, millions are not buying what she has resorted to selling: sex, sex, for sex sake in lieu of the loving relationship of Olitz.

I can't for the life of me understand WHY Shonda wants to destroy her own show? Why? This show is a complete mess now, yet the potential to be great was epic. It's become too toxic for me; I have bowed out. But will always love Olitz.