Dee Lyter

I am getting extremely tired of trial by Twitter. Affleck as done his mea culpa and got himself cleaned up.

I actually like most of MKS' work. It just sounds like these two were heavily influenced by MKS but don't have the chops to pull it off.

Eh, she could have suffered from hysterical blindness after her childhood trauma.

So they want to be M. Night Shyamalan.

K-Pax was better acted and had a much better ending, but it was essentially the same story.

So this was K-Pax with interpretive dance scenes.

Yeah, but I take it all the dinos were genetically modified, one more extreme than the others. As one character put it… if they weren't modified, the dinos would look very different than they really did. I'm paraphrasing, but that's the gist of it.