
The answer: five letters long “HITLER.”

Oh, good point about in-game UI!

Why not use multilevel menu, or circular menu?

>> But consumers aren’t necessarily ready to give up meat..

They can just add randomizing to skeleton position, like +/- 3 meters, or something like that.

Dear Fellow Black People: .....

I`m very very curious why they failed. No money, technology problems, final product is very expensive?

Also don’t forget “please download this completely legit codec/videoplayer app” from

People from other (gasp) countries?


You right, it square! GASP!

And main problem is not automation or human replacing itself, main problem that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer in process.

They” will simply block access to this floating server.

One word: grinding.

Maybe you already know, but anyway:

Quite cool. I really like design of this levels.

Not between lossless and 320k but between 320 and 128- sure. And sometime I can hear difference between 320 and 256 too. 

Next things:

Read somewhere that farma companies do not want to be associated with lethal injections and somehow stop to sell it.

> but it is NOT good for you, and it is a colossal drain on the medical system.