Don Kotval

So many parallels to the fall of Rome. Expanding economic inequality, power wielded by those who pay for it, obsequious flattery, an emperor receiving information exclusively through his selected courtiers *cough Fox News cough*, senators immune from taxation, incompetent sons of leaders...

No one who was “scared for their life” or traumatized by the event would turn around and flaunt the fact that they had to take a life with such cavalier disregard. No one who had a near death experience would turn self-defense into celebrity. So to each and every one of you who continues to talk about Georgie as if he

Giant cowardly man-baby POS keeps on POS’ing.

Sanders neglected to provide any evidence to back up her claim of deliberate lying on the part of the media.

I swear to fucking Christ. How can anyone be so stupid and/or arrogant to make policy decisions that affect entire countries without even understanding whats going on?

As a former server from the south, thank you for writing this.

I just like to remind myself that their low hairline and lack of forehead suggests they have a smaller frontal lobe and are VERY FUCKING STUPID. God, I hate this family and hope a plane goes down with all of them on it.

I have said this before and it never stops being true: Donnie sounds like someone trying to have a serious conversation on a ball of cocaine. I really can’t listen to him talk, and when I read the shit he said, he sounds like a puppy that has too many shiny objects and noise makers around it.


Before Trump was elected, Stacey was helpful in the “we’re not racist, you’re the racist!” narrative. He won, so Fox News be like...

The fucking balls required for a man who railed against the Electoral College and then won because of it pretending that the millions of people marching against him didn’t *vote* (and that if they didn’t, it was by choice). It’s just so fucking patronizing.

Holy shit. It’s a sea of whiteness.

this shit should be illegal. like if she had died i would want them tried for neglagent homicide

Seriously. These people are assholes.

Somewhat related: I REALLY hate it when a natural disaster hits, and friends on Facebook are all “oh my god! how horrible! I am going to pray for these people!” Fuck you. You REALLY want to help people? Get off your fucking knees and go to or any other emergency