
Hey let’s say she WAS in charge of all the animations. Let’s say the animations are as bad as some people are saying (personally, I think the issue is they made the face muscles move more which paradoxically entered uncanny valley territory, but I digress). Let’s say she’s solely responsible for all of this and she

The only problem is having to constantly stick balloons back on it, but it’s still amazing that this even worked. I built a catapult on day one, and an airship on day two. On day three I built a fort and launched pieces of it, Yellow Demon style, at enemies in my way. This is the best The Incredible Machine game

And with that, my biggest concern about the game is gone!

Heck in Ocarina of Time I could never be QUITE sure I found every last hidden hole and chest in the game. In Zelda 1, to this day I can’t be sure there isn’t some hidden bush I neglected to burn down.

You’re describing the experience us Zelda veterans have been missing for years! Older Zelda games tended to a much more open design. It only really started walling things off for the sake of narrative with Ocarina of Time. Wind Waker allowed a bit more openness, but the arbitrary “you can’t sail that way yet”

Now playing

It’s been posted and reposted so much now that I can’t find the original link, so here’s a version with an orchestral score.

I didn’t really get into Youtube until I started seeing videos that got my attention. One day I saw one of such immediate import and gravitas that I could no longer ignore it. I watched a crow tricking two cats into fighting each other. Then I knew Youtube had arrived.

Looks like I missed another bit of internet slang. What’s a “reply girl”?

I remember being a kid and labelling everything as “good thing”, “bad thing”, or at my most nuanced, “neutral thing”. If I liked something, I had to like EVERYTHING about it, and if I disliked something, I had to dislike every possible aspect of it as well. If I thought something was neutral, it was always neutral

Yeah... that’s a bit too big. I’d be perfectly fine with the same case size they used for the 3DS. Heck, go smaller and increase the amount of games you can put on the shelf! I’d be okay with game cases the size of the original Gameboy game protector case. That’s still enough room for a tiny manual if they were so

You’re confusing remake with remaster. A remaster is something like Final Fantasy X HD. A remake would be Metroid Zero Mission. Play that game and tell it it took zero effort and was nothing but a cash grab.

I’ve never even heard of this before, as with most so-called memes. They just aren’t as wide-spread as weird places on the internet like to pretend they are.

You... you don’t need a screen protector...

Casting spells must be causing global warming.

Somebody get that poor woman a back brace! She’s falling over!

From the perspective of a consumer, this comes across as the game getting upgraded followed by a buggy patch that reverted that upgrade.

If Sony “opened up” their console so anyone could release their games, but it would need to be obtained outside Sony’s store, that’d be one thing. However, Sony officially putting the game on the store is an endorsement, and I think they need to have quality standards. It’s true that bad games can get that “seal of

I get what you’re saying, but there’s no taking that one back. Hitler ruined that symbol for everyone, just like he ruined the name “Adolf” and tiny mustaches. Doesn’t matter that Chaplin wore it best, if you groom your mustache that way, you know EXACTLY how people are going to interpret it. When you know how

Personally, I love the word Joycon. It’s short and gets right to the point. I mean, it sounds better than Joystick, and leagues ahead of “wiimote and nunchuck”.

They’ll be using “other” services? That means Facebook and Twitter, doesn’t it?