Deejay Mcallister

Thought that was pretty apparent as well, the deep disappointment and sad resignation on her face were hard to look at. Like she realized no matter where she was, she was destined for the life of a sweatshop worker. Making imitation of the good life but never living it.

There was a movie called the Specials in 2000 that had a character called Eight, which was a group that shared eight minds. There was also the Blood Brothers from Word of Darkness. It's not a super new concept, they are exploring it in more depth than previously. I did like this episode as well. The show started

There was a movie called the Specials in 2000 that had a character called Eight, which was a person that shared eight minds. There was also the Blood Brothers from Word of Darkness. It's not a super new concept, they are exploring it more than previously.

Surprised Stanis was willing to do that. he didn't come across as heartless in the books, harsh and dull, but not evil. He lamented the death of his brother Remley. Wishing he he would have just submitted and taken the situation seriously. I think that they are showing the moral failings of obsessing over a goal

One thing still on my mind, clean that thing before you just toss it on the floor, sheesh.

Best episode of the season. It's like she's been warming up the first portion of the season, now she is back in form. This is the one episode where it made me laugh out-loud this season on several occasions. Most other episodes were chuckles here and there while the 12 angry men skit I skipped when I realized it

Best episode this season. It feels like she is back to form with this episode.

Not a bad episode, but not an A-. B- or C+. The beauty pageant was terrible, and two of the main skits were overlaps. This season has been kinda weak compared to the last one.

I'd say B minus or C +. There were some funny moments and some good ideas, it just felt out of focus.

Agree, it was ok. Best idea, yet worst episode so far.

Great idea, glad that she tried it. But honestly felt slow, and the laughs were far between. I lost interest about ten minutes in, and I have been a dedicated fan. This season has been lackluster.

If she wanted to stay away from that type of attention why did she do New Girl? That was practically a vehicle for Zoey Adorkable-ness.

Not a bad start, but I feel she is getting into Margaret Cho territory and pandering to her fans as opposed to performing for them. It just didn't feel as organic as it has in the past, more packaged and marketed.

Yet, but it is in the same universe. Chances are they won't say why, or planned on saying but it was cut for time, or flow, etc……..

In some of the story-lines Ras was reaching the end of his rope. The Lazarus Pits were reviving him in an increasingly unstable state. They may be going from this angle. Batman has refused, him, they aren't going to involve Batman in this show unless it is a reference, so this could be one of the successors he had

OK, they are a cute couple, but it is such a jarring change. I think that I prefer them at odds, coming close but never quite being a couple. I know this couldn't late forever, but a little longer would be nice.

Interesting article on the Inquisitor.

I think that the inquisitor question was answered by the introduction of Vader. The Empire is in the state where they have so much to work with, the attitude is survival of the fittest. Succeed with Vader you are set for life, fail him you will be killed as an example.


"What, if I don't drink it forensics will."