
Arrow talk: remember when this show used to be a superhero show? I’m not really complaining though, this is the best it’s been since season 2. They haven’t gone back to Diaz maybe having enhanced strength yet, so I’m going to assume he ends up in prison with Ollie before Ollie gets released. And speaking of prison,

- I’m surprised. Mick actually got some character growth this episode.
- I finally see what Charlie’s deal is. She shirks responsibility. She doesn’t want to take responsibility for what her actions would have led to in the 70's, she doesn’t want any responsibility for her role in the team, and she was just a poor put

I think people like the idea of Janelle Monet more than they actually like Janelle Monet. Everytime you see her you think she is going to be unstoppable once she gets that one big hit. Then you realize how long she has been around and that hit hasn’t come yet and probably never will.

1) You changed the name of the episode from ‘Kerblam’ to ‘Kablam’ at the end there.

2) You missed the clear connective tissue from the 4th Doctor story ‘The Robots of Death’.

My biggest problem with the episode is one that I have with a lot of SF which is the numbers. 10,000 workers in a company that is the biggest in the galaxy. Any major Earth corp (eg. Amazon) employs more. And if any of the galaxy’s entities are not human sized (say, sentient ants or cat sized aliens) then their

The message I got out of it was that warehouse jobs are horrible, tedious, soul-crushing jobs best handled by robots. And you should be grateful to have them. I have to believe that wasn’t what they were trying for, but that’s what I got.

Ok straight up. Weaponizing bubble wrap is the most evil plan in the history of evil plans.

I liked the finale better than I thought I would. It felt fitting and tied everything together pretty well (by AHS standards at least).

I tried to watch this live & they played football instead!

Yeah, this year the episodes (except this one IMHO) really, really lack urgency and momentum. I think Chibnall wanted to get rid of a lot of the previous staff (all of the previous staff?) and give a lot of new people a try behind the scenes, but they really needed some “transition” staff to stick around and help show

Yeah, I’m not american (nor british) and the Rosa episode really felt like an illustrated history lesson; quite a bit contrieved (and the bland villain didn’t help). This episode felt much more heartfelt and genuine. I really don’t need a full history lesson each time I watch doctor who, and it was just enough context

I’m just going to say it - I’m trying SO VERY HARD to like Doctor Who this season. Jodi is great when she’s on the screen. Graham is decent, Yaz is okay when they actually give her dialog, but wow... Ryan (Tosin Cole) could be played by a plank of plywood. Just. So. Wooden. Ugh. Has he been in other stuff where he

I liked this one, better than Rosa for sure. I think I docked Rosa points for the hokey ending, where the Doctor shows them the asteroid named after Rosa Parks. “And that lady eventually had an asteroid named after her”. It really felt weird because it felt like it was supposed to be her life accomplishment...instead

So they basically gaslighted (mind-raped?) the whole planet because they couldn’t be arsed with fighting a shapeshifter? That doesn’t bode well for the future. Also, way to take the agency and the power of choice away from 7 billion people.

To me this is the best episode of the current series so far. I do agree that it’s deflated a little bit by once again using the ‘bad guy isn’t really the bad guy’ trope that is by far not new to Who, especially not NuWho; but it has been overused in this series. Chibnall and his writers need to give us a proper

Despite being initially optimistic, I’ve been pretty critical of the new series up until now.

I’m one of the ones who dislikes Mel at this point. I’m glad they saved Angela, and I would have been disappointed if they just killed her without trying anything else, but the way Mel went about it was just bad IMO.

I’m annoyed that they’re setting up a love triangle between Maggie, Parker, and Lucy. She has had like 3 short conversations with him, and barely knows him. It just seems like another show that’s going to go with the tired girls fighting over a guy who’s not really worth being fought over, which is going to lead to

Mel is so fucking annoying. She’s the worst thing on the show. 

Mel is the reason why I couldn’t get into this show. I absolutely hate her as a character. She doesn’t come off as strong to me. She seems bitchy, angry, and overly dramatic at all times. I don’t know if it’s the writing or if it’s the way that the actress chooses to play her, but she really gets on my nerves. I would