
Interesting. Thanks for that. It's still too rich for my blood (pun intended), but maybe someday. At least you don't have to mortgage anything to buy it.

Well, there may be something to that.

PS: Turns out there were two movies: The Night Stalker (1972) and The Night Strangler (1973). Naturally, Netflix has neither. Sigh. Reading the Wiki page for Night Stalker revealed a cool little fact. The producer of the series was Dan Curtis, who was also the producer/creator of Dark Shadows.

I was so excited when that DVD set came out, at least until I found out I'd have to sell my home to afford the damned thing.

Clearly this is a movie I have to seek out. I loved that series, but had no idea there was a movie first.

THAT was my favorite comment of the day. I actually enjoyed that movie, but only once I accepted that it was going to have nothing at all in common with the series, which I loved.

Cheating or not, MST3K references are always welcomed here.

Subjectivity would be so much more convenient if everyone would just share your every opinion, wouldn't it?