Tsk, tsk...there are quite a few (women) feminist thinkers who oppose that conceptualizaion. Open your mind, child.
Tsk, tsk...there are quite a few (women) feminist thinkers who oppose that conceptualizaion. Open your mind, child.
Please be trolling. Feminism is the exploration and deconstruction of oppressive structures. Unless you have no privilege at all (and I'm certain that's not the case since you appeR to be literate) you participate in and benefit from oppressive social structures too. That doesn't negate your attempt to learn and…
You were the one who misidentified comprehensive natural family planning as "the rhythm method" and that is incorrect and that is why I corrected you. Don't understand where the hostility is coming from; I think most women would be interested to learn about identifying ovulation.
you're right, this topic is very old. That's why there are scores of studies showing that correctly used combined family planning methods (not just the rhythm method which had a large failure rate) are 99% effective, more effective than hormone borth control pills in women with BMIs in the obese range.
Correctly used Natural Family Planning (combined mucus, basal temp and calendar methods) is as or more effective at preventing pregnancy than condoms or hormonal birth control for overweight women. I got pregnant on the pill, have never gotten pregnant during the 10 years I've used natural family planning.
You don't need money to learn. And only the willfully ignorant don't want to.
Dude, take an art history class. is a myth.
Never met a fat fetishist, I take it.
What makes you assume she was actually hitchhiking and not, you know, recreating an iconic image for artistic purposes?
An actual witch, she had been a Wiccan practitioner. I didn't know twit was a gendered word; I feel like I see it used equally to describe men and women.
That must be so hard for you - your being wholly unable to understand language that isn't explicitly literal. Good luck to you, you poor dear.
He didn't just offer it up unsolicited, which would be fine; I love hearing that when its true. But she asked him if he loved her and that was his response. It was the most innappropriate and emotionally retarded response to that question I can think of.
That's some telling projection there...she never said white people were at fault for what happened. Funny that's what you thought though...
"The fact that a middle-aged couple could buy their way into the Olympics with hardly any real talent is shocking."
Is it that you don't get the joke, or are you one of those unfortunate souls who thinks explaining a joke makes it more amusing?
This is precisely what I was going to say
It doesn't burn when you apply it to your butthole? I thought I recalled hearing horror stories of people using it on their genitals and suffering terrible blisters! Also, doesn't it say on the bottle not to use it on genitals? (I'm assuming assholes are included, even though they aren't actually gnitals)
I only notice it when it's fresh sweat. If any amount of time passes they'll smell noticeably different and I assume part of that is the different bacterial types in each place.
I'm entirely unshaven, and as long as I don't have bv or am on my period, my underarms and crotch can smell very similar. Apocrine glands are found both under the arms and in the groin.