
Oh look. Moral busy bodies who decided that something is unacceptable and morally egregious in media, are demanding everyone comform to their particular moral outlook. And if you don’t, you’re a bad person.

“...expected to work without pay”

“making it harder for them to help the migrants crossing the desert”

There wasnt a compelling argument for itexisting before comey

If someone likes supras or is trying to do something other than find the best price:performance ratio, this really isn't a big deal

“He told the outlet fixing the car would mean not being able to make next month’s rent”

As someone who plays those kinds of games I don’t doubt it. A shitty clicker with ads put in just the right way can pull in some serious money for an app dev. I get sucked into these games for about a month at a time, watching ads for "speed ups".

“because accepting such a huge cash investment from Big Tobacco flies in the face of its quit-smoking branding.”

Love how everyone on the left cares so deeply about private property rights all the sudden when the topic is people on the right being censored.

wondeful display of logic. I guess North Korea is a republic too?🤣🤣

No, you twat.

Same thing was said when Google first came around. 'yahoo' was the verb of choice

Can you list the other generic supersoldier/alien movies? All the ones I can think of are nothing like Halo

Love chick fila and eat there several times a week even.

I second this

“your fandom isn’t allowed because I don’t like it”

“While the move is good for Tumblr overall—the spam bots that post pornography have been a persistent problem on the platform”

You mean helmets and body armor? You can buy them yourself, maybe even better ones for 200 bucks. So no, not “army equipment”

Qanon is for white nationalists? You’re going to have to bring proof for that.

“all this shit” you mean a helmet and body armor?