
“he should have spouted my politics if he didn't want to be dragged into politics"

“don’t drag me into your politics”

“most landlords inherited houses”

If it’s so easy and such a money train. Why don’t you do it?

Tremendous teenage angst in this thread.

Fat is the highway of flavor when cooking. That’s why people use butter.

Lolol how deep did EA go last night? 😂🤣

Liar. The article clearly stated people like you hate it because it's Epic. Get out of here with your 'valid reasons'. This is kotaku

Yep. They released it on Epic. That’s the only reason. That’s always been the case people react. No deeper reasoning at all. Nope.

Breaking: anytime bezos touches NY land he’s showing his greed and hypocrisy!

Did you read the article? It’s office space, not a HQ. The competition was for the HQ. 

I welcome the rate cut. I want my dividends.

If he’s not Asian, I don’t want it.

So next time I open the root, I shouldn’t see someone bitching about how Aladdin needed to be an Arab or Ghost in the Shell needed to be an asian.

This totally won’t give you biased data. I guess you didn't take a stat course while getting your degree

Its fine if someone has a preference of the two, but they like to pretend that they’re just reporting the news

Tens of thousands of viewers watched him walk past bathroom-using attendees and go into a stall”

Back in my day, artists signed their work.

Youre not wrong either. But people said similar things about cellphones and needing to charge them every night. we quickly stopped complaining and realized it’s a necessity because the trade off is worth it. It only takes a moment or two to plug in anyways

Don’t like it? Don’t watch it.