
An “antiTrump political nonprofit”.

What to do when you coordinate, are nice to your teammates, help them out while you get golds, call out enemies and switch to needed heros...

Breaking news, pre/pubescent boys think girls have cooties. 🙄🙄

“To be fair, it’s probably nothing.”

Im a huge fan of the squeeze. I actually hope more company’s integrate similar tech and it becomes standard for their assistants. Once I started using it (which I was already excited to do in the first place), I can’t imagine using a phone without it. Using a voice command, while useful for when you have no hands,

How often do I use it?

Another idiot who treated the feature like a Hal 9000 and then crashed and died while his hands and feet weren’t in control of the car and who’s eyes weren’t on the road.

But Amazon still pays billion in not seeing where the outrage is coming from.

Am I reading this right? A manand his ex wifeboth agree to keep their personal affairs private. Jizzabelhinks they’re speaking truth to power by violating their wishes and bringing it public. Because politics.

“JamesDamore–a man–based his manifesto on key “scientific” points”

“magazine-fed semi-automatic gun”

Wait, where’s the full blown meltdown? Is it behind the tweet? 

No doubt she’s good, but haven’t we all been accused of cheating after doing well? Just saying, there’s probably better ways to explain how good she was.

Yeah, I like my games that don’t exploit any part of human psychology. Infact, the less involved it is with human psychology the better it is.

The real question is, why did your mind immediately picture his naked body when he said hot baths relieve stress?

Must be nice. I should get into the business and demand I get paid as much as a multi nominated and award winning actor when my resume is ghastly empty in comparison.

Nothing is free.

Wage increases happen overtime and in conjunction with the market. Why you have the premise that they happen over night is concerning. Especially when you’re comparing them to bonuses which are fundamentally two different things.

Just now?

I once had a pet gold fish that died