Scott Scanlon Goes Country

I do not run at the moment just because I am 6 months pregnant with my second:)

The whole do I text or not text is a whole other thing. I have one fellow mommy that I think is kind of cool but she never texts me and I always feel like I text her (I only do it once a week) to make playdates. Then I had this other mom who met me and she would text me (no joke) 15 times a day about stuff and then

For me, I sometimes meet a new mom that’s cool and then we try to coordinate hanging out around naps and the times do not work out and it’s like, “See you never!” I miss my old gang in NYC.

Ugh, I hope it gets better for everyone. I am hoping with the warm weather that I can connect with new people.

I hear ya! I lived in Brooklyn all of my adult life before here (Colorado) and I was like, “If I can make it there, I can make it anywhere” (friendwise). I was so wrong. I sometimes feel like an alien from another planet.

This makes me feel better. I just moved to a new town/ state last year and I am finding it so hard to make friends. I am also a new mother so the whole thing feels like first dates.

Is Kylie scared of turning 19 bc she’s afraid of aging out of Tyga’s age bracket?

I’ve been following David Crosby on Twitter to see if he knew the status about her condition. I hope she recovers.

Question: Are her lips real? Not that it has anything to do with this topic. Just curious.

I was trying to explain Jenny Lewis to my husband this morning because he asked me what I was watching on my computer and all I could say was, “remember that Nintendo movie with Fred Savage and the little boy and the cute redheaded girl? It’s the girl’s band.”

Way to go Bruce! Side Note - I had this discussion with my husband - how many doctors are there during the 8 hour surgery and what kind of doctors? Urologist? Gyno? Plastic Surgeon? I’m just curious.

I always felt that Comet was the best actor of the bunch.


I seriously thought Kylie who is sitting behind J Lo was a 35 year old woman. (sigh)

Maybe Heidi is a year or two from being a Fox News correspondent.

Or Burning Up Madonna...I’m old too.

Say what you will about modern Madonna but old Madonna aka Vogue Madonna outshines almost anything that pop stars are doing these days.

Ahhh, video is private! I needed to envelope myself in all things Solange!