Scott Scanlon Goes Country
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Does anyone remember Leroy Wells’ audition?

Can she please run against Hilary? She’s got my vote.

“Fact is, they’re all politicians who are part of a system designed to prop up the elite at the expense of the poor and disenfranchised.”


I think it’s great your toddler eats that but jut because you continue to place things in front of him, doesn’t mean he’ll eat it. My 2 year old loves fruit but still refuses the veggies we give him even though we prepare them differently before we serve them. When I was a kid, I would throw my fruit in the garbage at

Does anyone know where Eva is heading? For some reason she didn’t annoy me as much as the other editorial women at Condé Nast. She seemed to have more depth to her but maybe that was the facade they were going for.

This is how I felt when they replaced Tory with Kelly on Saved By The Bell without any explanation!


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Blake, just wait until you are living with a drunk person with no disregard for anything.

Her outfits are too prairie calculated or something now Rayna’s wardrobe on the other hand, is perfection.

Beyonce is the only one that looks like she had a dress change. Is that strange? Also Blue, love you girl. You radiate sunshine.

I just want to address Scarlett’s wardrobe. WTF is going on with it. She is two episodes away from wearing a scarf like this.

Why was I pulling for St. Vencent and Cara?

You got me! It’s actually Scott. I discovered Reba while at my uncle’s house in Oklahoma. (Side note: it’s embarrassing how much 90210 useless info I know).

I was such a Reba fan when I was 10. I had that tape For My Broken Heart and I would blast it to no end.

I bet they too, think Candace it bats$#@ cray with her religious beliefs.

The strangest part about Blake not seeing Star Wars is that her current husband or ex-boyfriends have never made her watch it. I feel like so many guys I’ve dated have been like “Oh man, Star Wars...want to watch it?” I watched them for the first time when an ex gave me a hard time about never watching them.

Wayne Coyne has turned into

Seriously, I’ve been a runner for over 20 years and Brooks is the only shoe that fits my foot. I am so sick of the hot pink, hot purple BS. I want a cool running shoe that I can wear to the store as well as go for a 10 mile run in. Is that too much to ask?