Lenox is good but I feel like Tyra really loves Keith and will pull for him if it comes down to the two of them.
Lenox is good but I feel like Tyra really loves Keith and will pull for him if it comes down to the two of them.
I had to go ahead and just click on the youtube page and go down the YouTube comment section rabbit hold. Oh Jesus.
I don't know! I think it might be. No one else is even comes close to him right now on the show.
Everyone thank you so much for making me feel like I'm not the only one who loves this show! I seriously can't get enough of it.
Can we just award America's Top Model of all time to Keith already?????
They NEVER really went into what really happened between Chantelle and the other nice looking guy on the show. Do you think they really did not hook up?
Did you see the person behind her who I am assuming carries the thing to inflate her costume? Maybe he has an empty Big Gulp cup and places it under her to go pee.
That's exactly what I wear when I'm lounging at home sitting on a counter. Same.
Is Iggy giving anyone else the Goop vibe in the face in that photo?
I'm pretty much always team Brit.
I don't know if you're referring to Miley saying this or Wayne of the Flaming Lips :(
Oh kidz thesze dayz. LOL. LMFAO. TBT. OMG.