I love that you read that book. It's totally something I would see at the library and read the back cover of.
I love that you read that book. It's totally something I would see at the library and read the back cover of.
All we need is a clown face and I'll scream BINGO!
Wow, saying less delicate. I'm allowed my opinion and I'll stick to it. I should attack you and tell you to be less delicate on something you find stupid and offensive. What about posting a picture like that and being like, "wow, she looks glowing and amazing!" for a headline! That's all I'm saying.
Totally agree of the "going to burst" statement and all of the above.
For the record, I get the joke people, I just think it's stupid. Really stupid headline. Also folks, telling me to fuck off, calling me prude or whatever you want to throw at me is fine. I just wish we would be like, 'wow this woman beautiful and glowing' with her new body instead of 'pray for her' or whatever.
What's up with the finger to the lips Franco? Is it like, "Hush girl, don't talk...."
Wow, I am kind of offended by the title of the article Pray 4 Hayden. What is that a reference to? This is what happens when you are pregnant, you get really really big at the end.
So did the Noxema girl aka Tony on 90210.
What kind of monster would do this for media sake? It's one thing if Kim wants to exploit herself but to drag a young girl into this media mess, is redic.
This publicity stunt is so disgusting to me. Does anyone else think Kim has gone too far to try to stay relevant in the media with going to this orphanage and pretending to want to adopt a girl?
I am wondering if any of the cast has had any strange experiences with Cosby. There's got to be some kind of on set stories. Let's get ahold of Cockroach!
I live in Boulder and no joke I overheard a conversation of two college students talking to their moms about buying weed food and they were off to all ingest it. I have done drugs with my brother and sister and let's say it wasn't the best experience of my life.
All honesty, we have established that Kris has a deal with the tabloids right? Can someone dig up that contract or phone records or whatever? I want to see the behind the scenes stuff about this.
I did not want to like Pitch Perfect as much as I did but I am so excited for the 2nd one!
I owned the VHS of the Disney cartoon and watched it all the time. I just got teary eyed while watching that preview.
I guess that's true. I am imagining Chelsea Handler saying it to another woman.
Is this sexist? I feel like if this was a woman in Benedict's seat, we would be up in arms. Any thoughts on this?