
Dude, that was a DRAMA. Costco and them were all “You should buy booze from everywhere! From kindergartens, if you want!” and everybody was “YEAH!” and Costco and them were all “Okay, so you need to vote to give us the right to sell booze!” and then Danny Westneat was all “Wait, the state (meaning not just state gov

Neversink? More like Neverdrink, amirite?!?

They don’t effectively exfoliate skin. Just eyeballs, I guess.

Good God it’s so difficult to choose my favorites. “Fart-infused lump of raw meat” always made me giggle but I can’t argue with “dusty barrel of fermented peepee” because the word peepee is hilarious

I somehow want these to be made into an advent calendar.

Thank you, Anna, for doing the Lord’s work.

At it’s extreme, this type of obsession with “clean eating” is called orthorexia. It’s a recognised disorder. When people get so involved in a certain type of restrictive diet, such as paleo, it can be really harmful. But often it’s not picked up, and people who are obsessive are celebrated as super-healthy role

Farts are, by comparison, pleasant and reasonable things to repeatedly unleash on national television.

I don’t ask for much.

“Go to break, then, Joe,” Trump responded. “All I’m doing is giving you the facts and you don’t wanna hear the facts.”

Worst episode in a long time. And that’s saying something!


That would Jeepee.

I love that Gwynnie was completely unaware that the word “goop” already existed, both as a name for gucky stuff and as a mechanic’s hand soap. She made it up herself, y’all!

Pretty sure this is the trolliest confession of all time and Bobby did it.

I don’t even know where to begin...

Jeb Bush’s team, for all the money he raised, apparently couldn’t hire someone with the minimum of sense to buy up the obvious domains related to his name. His official is because the others were taken. Solid work, Bush team. Honestly, I have no idea how they’re so amateur, considering the Bush’s are not