And no, not into either of those artists either. Though I don’t hate BBHMM.
And no, not into either of those artists either. Though I don’t hate BBHMM.
This is just getting weird. Like, what are you trying to prove? Why are you so invested in making me have warm fuzzies toward Katy Perry? (Wait, are YOU Katy Perry?!?!)
My deeply held belief that nonconsensual groping is Not Okay is currently coexisting, uncomfortably, with my also deeply held grudge against Katy Perry for that fake-ass, appropriative-of-queer-culture, bisexual-but-not-really-cuz-it’s-only-for-the-straight-male-gaze “I Kissed a Girl” song.
THANK YOU. It’s NOT a pet name, like, at all. It’s the same as “Could you be a gem and pull that report for me?” or “You are such a good egg for helping me with that client.”
I’m gonna start saying that about my chihuahua mix. ♥
I had a friend who, when she took her dog to the dog park in the fancy part of town, would respond to gushing inquiries with “He’s a Puget Sound Retriever.” And then we’d laugh at their knowing nod.
In my old neighborhood, there was a 100+ year old cherry tree in a vacant lot; it was an unofficial dog and person park. People sat under it, stored their dog’s ball in the crooks of the branches, and just generally cared for the area. I came home one day and saw that it was ripped out to make way for a shitty cheap…
Donna is by far the best companion.
Is it an insult if it’s true, though? Grace Jones is the original queen and I haven’t really seen any of these performers giving her the props she’s due, even when they are obviously heavily influenced by her.
Probably wasn’t that much effort: there are some thingies online nowadays that will convert photos/artwork into charts. But she did a good job with the intarsia? stranding? I wanna see the back of it now.
The missed lede on this story is that a fucking LESBIAN company wanted to book CHRIS ABUSIVE FUCKWAD BROWN for a LESBIAN pride event.
I’m really glad you used the term “trumpeting” here, since, as a lovely commenter whose name I’ve forgotten pointed out, “to trump” is slang for “to fart” in the UK.
Is Jezebel just deliberately trying to make us physically ill at this point? I mean, just his face alone induces queasiness, but add eating to the mix and those slightly puckered lips? brb, need to vom.
This is my new favorite misandry gif, thanks!
Dude, there is something about a messed up rescue dog. <3 Earning their trust and seeing them blossom even a little is the best.
What, passionate to insert fictional white dudes into places they never were? I’m pretty passionate about Stonewall, too, but my passion includes things like listening to the people who were actually there, reminding people that there’s a reason why pride celebrations are traditionally held at the end of June, and…
I legit did not realize that one of them was a wax figure.