
Those little grunts of consternation!

For 13 glorious seconds, there was nothing but pure joy in my heart. Because dog.

Right? YEARS later, I still feel mortified by some things that I've done or said, though reason tells me the other person/people involved probably don't even remember.

Maybe? I mean, if we lived in a fantasy world where no one ever commented on race or whatnot, neither of you probably would've thought about it. But I can imagine for her, it's more the cumulative effect that then colors (pun not really intended) her other experiences, like the one with you.
But since it was months

Someone teach that poor GSD how to properly inhale food.

To be fair, the first time I heard the name "Iggy Azalea," I assumed it was some sort of nickname for Azealia Banks. I really wish that were true, because discovering Iggy was a real person...ugh.

Somehow "Carmel RR2" just doesn't have the right ring to it.

I used to live near one that had a larger than usual section (like, 5 racks instead of the usual 2 or 3), but when they remodeled to expand their grocery section, that space mostly got taken over by mens wear. So frustrating.

Thank you. For example: women in an abusive relationship are FIVE TIMES more likely to be murdered when the partner owned a gun.

Thank you. For example: women in an abusive relationship are FIVE TIMES more likely to be murdered when the partner owns a gun.

Thank you. For example: women in an abusive relationship are FIVE TIMES more likely to be murdered when the partner owned a gun.

Because fashion trends can only be inspired by the poors; the poors can't actually wear the fashion.

I didn't know until this article what a Lilly Pulitzer was.

"I'm politically correct to the gay community."

He is a prime example of "butch blinders," wherein you imagine how much hotter a dude would be if only they were a butch dyke. Well, a prime example physically, cuz his personality is a total boner-killer.

Totally agree with you! I'm just being nitpicky about the definition of run-on sentence. Technically, it's just not, as far as I can see. It's long and convoluted; if I were editing it, I'd suggest breaking it up and offer alternatives, for sure. And if the author were determined to keep it one sentence, some

Just pointing out that a long sentence =/= equal a run-on sentence. At least not, y'know, the actual definition of a run-on sentence. I'm not disagreeing that the sentence is long and potentially confusing, just being a pedant, I guess.

Grammar dork (professionally) here: it's not a run-on sentence. It's long and convoluted, but not run-on. A quick google will tell you the difference.