
Actually, it's not a run-on sentence, just a long, convoluted one (and actually not that convoluted, mostly just long).

True! I was a writing tutor a few years ago for college-age students and so, so many of the people I saw had been taught terrible or completely outdated writing "rules." Which made their first year or so of college much harder than it had to be.

This CourtneyZ person sounds like a caricature of an entitled jerkface. I mean...who talks like that?

Maybe it'd help to read the book Cunt by Inga Muscio? Give you some new perspective on the word, maybe.

I think that is an excellent barometer.

I like her better when I only remember her as the sexy demon lady from Buffy who tries to sacrifice Xander. Good times.

Right? I was like, pooping 4-6 times a day? That's...well, maybe she should see a doctor about that, cuz that seems like an excessive amount of poop.

Point taken.

Your equating of a fart and a hot, wet shit reminds me of my former friend who called a slight taps "hits." I mean, c'mon, words have meanings for a reason. Flatulence and defecation are two very different things in the level of social acceptability. If you don't believe me, conduct your own study of farting while

Eh. As I am not an infant, elderly, or otherwise immuno-suppressed, I never get a flu shot. But I like to think my reasons are more science-based than Ashanti's.

You don't even have to watch Birth of a Nation a kajillion times to hold this kind of fear (and I'd wager most folks haven't seen it even once). Growing up white in our society does that all on its own. He (and all the other black men killed by cops) could've been holding a fluffy kitten and singing Twinkle Twinkle

When I was ten-ish, I bought a patch that said "Kiss me, I'm Polish" but I thought it meant polish-the-verb and for some reason that was awesome and hilarious to me. Kids are weird, man. That doesn't make it "inappropriate."

Roxie is the best! She's a talented and creative stylist AND a lovely human being. <3