
Stop, you’re confusing the poor boy

What exactly makes you think he did anything wrong besides have sex with a girl and not call her back?

Needs more jizz sound effects

Oh god they found somebody who looks even more uncomfortable on camera then Drew

I applaud this guy for saying what people mean when they say “The press needs to do a better job of covering Trump” which is “we don’t think this guy should be president so any chance of him winning represents a failure of the press to properly inform the public”

I know I’m going to get killed for this but: shouldn’t the lawyers have the right to refute the victims characterization of herself?

Publicly shaming a group of teenage girls? You should feel bad about yourself

Ask me the same question the next time this website publishes pictures of a group of teenagers that had a theme party they decided was culturally offensive

You’re right that the article doesn’t say these terms are advanced (I think the point is they’re unnecessarily obtuse)

Oh no his feelings!

It was a bad hit but this is clearly him pouting again trying to get out of talking about blowing another game not

Deadspin: taking the moral high ground and still profiting off the suffering of unpaid football players

Fuck this asshole for smoking with a kid in the car

Is there any better way to invalidate your argument then to complain about “mansplaining”?

The most common victim of gun vjoence is a middle aged white man who takes his own life. When were done mourning the handful of unarmed black men killed by police can we address the elephant in the room?

Let’s say for a second the reason the Fresno protest was less attended wasn’t race related (it was). How then do you explain the fact that white people are shot by police at a higher rate than blacks, Deray and the other professional protesters only show up to mug for the cameras when it’s a black man who’s shot? L

Ya but the protests in Minnesota this weekend seemed to be much larger and well attended. I wonder how the two are different hmmm???

But then why would an employee of Gawker media understand ethical journalism beyond “Gotta get ‘dem clicks!”

“It’s hard to write about this obvious fact because even though it’s true, people will call me a racist”

Does your bakruptcy and stance that it’s not really as bad as it sounds changed the way you write about Trump’s bankruptcies?