
Of course they didnt because the root is filled with disgusting racists who hide their racism behind “activism”

Can you please provide examples of the racist comments made by Scalise. your article states that , but you provide not one statement. Also can you provide examples of how Campus Reform demonized black profrssors for being too black? Your article camp across as an op ed rather than any form of journalism...which is

no one has a problem with Beyonce lightening her hair and her skin? the double standard is beyond repulsive

It’s not the three simple words black lives matter that people have a problem with. it’s their ludacris List of Demands,they’re call of violence towards police officers the way they threatened local neighborhoods by protesting and blocking streets it’s they’re racist undertones masquerading as activism

How Dare white people with good jobs have an opinion!!???

Omg..white??? For all you white people offended by white skittles, you are a disgrace and a useful idiot to racist left..cant wait until they start to take tou down and for the anyone not white offended you are racist pigs

yes can you believe it? president Trump has created just under a million jobs in 4 months of being president.. therefore the American people won’t need to be on food stamps and other government assistance. instead of arguing for more government assistance you should be agreeing that people should be able to work and

....when rich was killed in july last year there was no conspiracy of russian hackers..that lie didnt rear its ugly head until clinton lost the election..

Why didnt the dnc let the fbi review their servers? If i was hacked Id want a thorough investigation...unless i was hidimg something. Funny...Assange offers up a hefty reward for the seth rich mirder. The DNC offers nothing for their murdered, cold case staffer...

This group is actually open to all races. Yes they love white people. Its ok to be white and love your race, like any other race or culture. If you did more research and didnt spread half truths to your dimwitted readers you would all see that one of the mantras of proud no racism of any kind..proud boys


How dare a white woman have an opinion of a black person!! She better keep that shit in check. FUCK ALL YOU RACISTS PIGS.

So free welfare, shelter, food, cash, daycare, and healthcare is more valuable then bringing their abusers to justice. Just shows you how good the freebies are


Ur engagement ring is something u will wear everyday for the rest of your life and be passed onto your children. Its not a "gift”. Its something she should like and be proud of. A gift is a bag, perfume. Gift certificate to a spa, tickets to a concert...

I think everyone in the comments section should focus less on race and culture and more on working and being productuve in society. Quit whining and work for things. I know many successful people of all races and religions. Its the ones who aren’t so worried about skin color that prevail in the USA

Funny now the minorities are asking the cops to shoot? So i guess cops should just get the permssion of black and spanish people before they can make any policing decisions. I swear minorities kill me