
Maybe as a professor you should remember that ignoring any student is wrong. You know considering they are paying your salary. You work for THEM. STUCK UP ENTITLED MARXIST PROFESSORS FORGET THAT. . I am here to remind you. 

Obama put brown people in cages too...because they broke US immigration laws. Deal with it

No they believe in innocent babies shouldn’t die because their mothers were iirresponsible. Use a condom. They cost 25 cents.

america was great during the 1930s when the economy was booming, we werent in debt, we weren’t borrowing from other countries at high interest rates and we werent setting up trade agreements that only benefited other nations which we had to do after WWII (and were still doing until trump came into office) Where we

Blacks buy european women’s hair and literally attach it to their heads. You literally have white women’s body parts hanging off your heads and you fucking retards are going to talk about appropriation? Fucking hilarious

I don’t understand anti white, angry blacks. You would think since you find whites so racist you would want to be as far away as possible from them, yet your dying to get into their neighborhoods and schools. I’m sorry but if I felt that a group of people treated me unfairly I’d want to be no where near them.

It musy be sad to live in a mind that is boring and negative. Stop telling people how to live their lives. If women enjoy diamonds and men enjoy buying them who are you to “burn them down”? Perhaps if you didnt walk around trying to control others opinions and didnt see 2 peoples decision in sharing their lives

Racists dont marry the race they supposedly do you breathe with so little brain cells?

This guy is crazy. How dare this black guy not think like the “majority” of blacks. Dont all blacks think exactly the same way???!!

Oh yea..your a racist cunt too!

Racist cunt

Actually conservatuves have issue with illegal immigration if all kinds.

Not surprising this site would look past an obvious anti semite, anti american, anti white, anti christian, anti atheist, anti freedom, anti law enforcement, pawn of islamic. This site has the same sentiment and lroduly stands by these beliefs..alsl the while they benefit off of american exceptionalism. Disguting,

Yes shes never been kverweight because she works hard at not being overweight. There’s nothing more annoying then simeine who cant stop talking about tbeir weight and then eats and drinks far too much. Someone who has to hear you complain has a right to say well then stop eating and drinking too much. You cant

She doesnt like the way she looks, and she was told she is on her way to becomimg diabetic. Why shouldnt she feel terrible about it?

Tuckers closed

No they refer to themselves as gypsies

I dont know why you need to disassociate yourself with the word gypsy...its a word..its actually what they refer to themselves as. But nice try trying to paint tucker as a rackst for using a legitimate word. Acts as if the claims by neighbors are just accusation..again trhing to paint people as lying racists rather

You liberal asshol-s can talk endlessly and ask question about 76 genders but tucker cant have this guy on to discuss and possible dangers in vacines? left-wing media is really at a loss for news stories now, huh

If the author of this article is so opposed to western value why the hell are you living in a western sociery? Move to northern africa..saudi arabia...if the west isn’t the best..why not leave? I have a strong feeling its because you know if your female white ass moved to any non western society it wont be long until