Oh, lol, sorry. Some people on Jezebel will use /s or /sarcasm if they’re being sarcastic... I do it sometimes because I joke about inappropriate shit and my sarcasm is hard to catch if you don’t know me.
Oh, lol, sorry. Some people on Jezebel will use /s or /sarcasm if they’re being sarcastic... I do it sometimes because I joke about inappropriate shit and my sarcasm is hard to catch if you don’t know me.
They put it back up. The state law requires the flag to be flying, so that’s that.
Ok John Oliver is the bestest, that’s totally understandable.
damn am i the only north american who <3s the word cunt?
“Bint” was our local insult vernacular for girls. I’ve no idea what that derived from.
I grew up in a small Scottish town where it’s just another word. It kinda backs up Lenny Bruce’s contention that it’s the suppression of a word which gives it its viciousness. When it’s overused, nobody gives a fuck, ya cunts.
To be fair, she totally could have. Many, many supposedly “pro-life” people do. She’s absolutely a giant hypocrite, but she’s less of one than if she had aborted, which especially someone with her money and privilege would have no trouble at all doing in secret.
I just feel like she must have so much guilt about the sex she’s clearly having out of wedlock, and I feel bad that she is having relationships and having children and she can’t even really enjoy it because of religious and political pressures. I know she says terrible things and has terrible ideas, but I can only…
I live in Australia so I honestly can’t tell what kind of reaction ‘cunt’ is supposed to give to an American audience. I have been called a cunt at least dozens of times and I can count on one hand the amount that have been malicious, and I know very few people my age who have any problem hearing it.
I got some major flak on Tumblr once because I think NOBODY should be shirtless in public. Can we have a discussion about why, in order to achieve equality, we’ve decided women must wear less clothing to be like men (shirtless), instead of suggesting men should cover up more?
Ding Ding Ding!
I’m gonna go nuclear on this one: Uniforms for all students.
Really? This sounds like something a 16 year old read in a book and is only repeating without understanding to me.
*snort* - wearing a crop top makes a girl feel "powerful." In patriarchy. Allrighty, then!