
Try your 40s! It’s worse than dating. I meet a nice woman, we seem to hit it off we make brunch plans and then Wham out she comes w anti-vaxx beliefs. And I just don’t have time to invest in getting to know that person.

I’ve already doxed myself before so again won’t really matter (easiest way that I can think of)

Same train of thought, it would be awesome to have something similar to connect with local people in your city or something. It’s so hard to make new friends in your 20s/30s.

You were a kid. If your mom knew about it it was her responsibility to do something, not yours. I wish I had good advice, other than to say that I don’t think you did anything wrong. That really sucks though.

Random thought, Jez needs to have a dating open thread for people to connect with.

YOU GUUUUYZ!! After my hair falling out due to my accident, and being holed up recovering for MONTHS, I finally had a solo girly day! Got my hair done, eyebrows waxed, and went to Sephora. Plus I did it all driving myself and WALKING without crutches!!! Feels good to be doing the everyday things I was missing out on

It’s not about not knowing who she is. It’s about who gets more pageviews.

So brave you needed a burner account

Slight Devil’s Advocate, but Harry Styles probably gets more attention/retweets in England than T-Swift - which a tabloid has a vested interest in.

I don’t think it’s fair to declare Nintendo (as a whole) a “Loser” of E3...they may not have delivered on a lot of things that people were expecting/wanting...but they did announce a ton of games that actually have RELEASE DATES, which is more than could be said of the others who “won” E3.

The love Sony gets completely cracks me up. You’ve shown that a game that’s been in development hell for a decade still exists with a virtually identical trailer to the last one you showed, that there’s a Kickstarter for a new entry in a series that’s been dead for a decade+, and that there’s a remake of another

I believe since the opinion is mine to make, then Nintendo clearly won. With Star Fox Zero and Metroid Prime: Federation Force on my list of winners. Now if you would kindly hand me my coat I can take my leave.

Ugh how dare Nintendo show off games coming out this year. They should of just announced stuff just for the hell of it because apparently playing games this year? Screw that. You “win” e3 if fans have something to look forwards to 2+ years away.

I think it is incredibly dumb but I still tried it and am still slightly sad that I can’t do it. But less in the “I’m fat” way and more the way I felt in elementary school when everyone else could curl their tongues and my was just flat and boring. Sigh.

I’ve always had consoles next to my PC. I like games, not platforms, so I buy whatever has the games I like. This generation has been a joke for consoles so far, with damn near every game except Bloodbourne being available in much higher quality on PC, so I’ve had no reason to buy one.

Who the hell promoted this!? Sit down with your homophobic talk you ignorant shit. It’s a fucking game.

People are forgetting that ICO and SOTC are not beloved by most gamer. Definitely not the average gamer. It may seem that they are because critics adore them and the media likes to hype them up, but when these games were released. They were not hyped or received well by many gamers. ICO did not sell well and SOTC

Looks indentacle to the art direction from the team’s last two games.

You people can be so exhausting.