Dee Aye

Umm, *effect, please:

100%! They need to explain EXACTLY...

Not ALL Chads... No, wait... yeah, it IS all Chads. I’ve never met one who wasn’t like that in my 40+ years. Friggin’ Chads. All Chads are douches & all douches are Chads. 

Yes it is. When RACISTS realize we ARE. ALL. WATCHING. and WILL NOT. TOLERATE their intolerance and hate crimes— maybe they will begin behaving like civilized humans again, at least in public. RECORD them. REPORT them. Get them FIRED. SCARE and SHAME THEM into decency if that’s what it takes. AND don’t feel an ounce

I voted for Obama. He wasn’t perfect. And HELL YES he deserves some of the blame for where we currently sit. He could have tried harder. And so could A LOT of other people. Obama did a lot of good things—but just because he’s cool as a cucumber doesn’t mean he should never have a negative word said about him. It