
I’m what would be conventionally called “skinny” (to the extent that strangers feel the need to comment on it. I’m built like my dad, in my case it has nothing to do with diet or exercise and everything to do with genetics. I’m not proud or ashamed, it’s just, whatever.) The one time I modelled as a favour to a friend

Her health is a non-issue in this very aesthetic-centric article. I would have no idea as to whether or not she is healthy as she could easily be overweight and in good health. But, she is fat. The sample sizes are teeny. She might be average sized in terms of the amount of people in America who are her size, but that

Your body isn’t “decent” because it’s thin.

Yeah, why must we dare to exist! We should all just hide in our houses, cursing our body types and trying to gain weight so we can look like your definition of normal.

This whole event is an excellent argument for providing social safety nets for women in dangerous domestic situations, especially women with children. If Salman feared for her life, it’s hard to hold her entirely culpable for not speaking up, no matter how much she suspected, but I wonder if she even tried to reach

I’m in the process of getting a divorce in CA and while we did file a response, if both people are on board with basically just wanting to GTFO, this could totally work. I think people get confused about the role of the law in something like this. If two people can’t agree on how to deal with the issues that come up

I didn’t mean to suggest that it was bad lawyering, just that it’s not something that requires a high degree of sophistication and super special legal skills.

Maybe they were taking turns on a Slip-n-Slide and Jennifer came down behind Sophie, Superman-style with her fist out leading the way...

I do not feel closer to my loved ones at a cemetery. I also don’t think they’re actually there. I’m an atheist. I feel a rush of love and grief and memory at all kinds of moments. The fact that I don’t like to go to the cemetery and usually elect not to has nothing to do with how much I love the people I’ve lost or

I’m as left wing as it gets. And Howard’s theatre would literally enrage me back in the day. But every few months hundreds of people would die. It’s absolutely intolerable. Your analysis is correct.

Thank you for taking the time to share the back ground info. It is a horrible position to be in; very much between a rock and hard a place.

We all know a kangaroo is holding a gun to your head making you say this.

I don’t want to get into the habit of tone-policing our allies. He says he supports women getting more money, but that he’ll let the experts handle the work of it because he doesn’t know how to do it. I don’t care if he’s not adequately sympathetic or articulate. He’s on the correct side of the fence.

Lesson one of gun safety: all guns are always loaded. Even if you unloaded them yourself. Even if you checked. Even if you just saw the thing assembled for the first time in its life. It is loaded.

I find it very odd that your partner is “a devout Catholic” but didn’t have an answer to that. Catholic doctrine is quite clear that sincere repentance and asking for forgiveness is sufficient to expunge even the worst sin, at least as long as the sin isn’t ongoing at the time the person repents (if it is, the person

Sex worker here (stripper & escort for 20 yrs). Thank you for this. I could write a book about the misconceptions not only of the general public but these Jez commenters.

I’m a sex worker (although I am phasing this out so I can focus on the career sex work helped to pay for). I’ve been in the industry for 16 years, so I think my sample size is probably large enough for me to say that your perceptions are wrong. Or, rather, your generalization is wrong.

Or, alternately, she’s rejected him as that connection?

Imagine that, most people who anonymously donate sperm to help strangers have children want those children to think of the people who actually raise them as their parents, and not the person who made the anonymous donation.

The Curia have been busily tying them together to garrote him soon.