
I agree with this. For me, loyalty isn't about whether you stay or go. It's how you conduct yourself while you're there and how you leave. I don't consider staff leaving to be disloyal. To me, a loyal staff member is - for example - one who quietly keeps their work well-documented and handover-ready while they

Because they pay you a lot of money? Because they invest in you? Don't you owe something for that?

I think the real question is why more people *don't* buy into their employer. My employer pays me a lot of money and invests more in me than anyone ever has in my life. I mean, that's freakin' amazing. Just for turning up and doing my job. I can bitch about my employer day-to-day just like everyone else, because

I've read about a hundred comments to this story so far and not one of them is about the Von Trapps or historical figures in general or WWII or singers or...uh...anything even remotely related to the story at all. It's all people's birthdays and blogs and online shopping and things. I know there's always a bit of

I don't understand the "fire/don't hire a woman because she might get pregnant" thing. If you can't backfill a worker on 6+ months notice, you're a shit manager who doesn't deserve a job.

Paramedics don't help with this. I've had several ambulance trips where I've been scolded - gems include "that was an expensive taxi ride." The fact that I was alone at home with no family supports and a baby and didn't have the luxury of waiting until I passed out from the asthma/dehydration/whatever was not

In many cases (especially government and large corporations with collective agreements or unions) hiring decisions can be disputed or even legally challenged. Your application is not only for the benefit of the hirer, it's also for whoever the hirer has to justify themselves to. If there is a "hole" in your

The obsession with "passion" for your work is because we can't count on people to come in and do a good job just because they're paid money for it. The lazy entitled people have ruined it for the rest of us. Whereas thirty years ago, if someone said, "I will work my hardest for you because I have a family to look

YES. I'm evil because I didn't stop my mother from being involuntarily committed (scheduled) by police when I was eleven, and because at sixteen I took offence at her staying on my doorstep for hours threatening to kidnap me, and called the cops. Her deranged toxic enabler family think *I'm* the bad guy.

I so hope his name was Patrick.

Four years in what will probably be a low security facility is a small price to pay in all the circumstances. Regardless of how unwell and vulnerable and misled she was, I presume she knew she was going into a fight that wasn't her own, with people who were in the practice of killing innocent people. I mean, I don't

Assuming this is a broadly true summary of the facts and not delusional self-justification, my guess is that (a) the people who think they're a cute couple don't know they're related, (b) the grandparents think they can at least limit the damage of this unstoppable road-wreck by pseudo-marrying them (thus increasing

It may well be a real person, but she's going to find that pride comes before a fall.

He sounds like an asshole because of the "don't you know who I am" stuff, but I'd give a pass to his uneducated palate. I have an uneducated palate through no fault of my own (abusive childhood with massive gaps in cultural exposure and education, and some food deprivation) and I have PTSD responses that interact with

I think another part of it is, they don't have the luxury of a lot of personal space where they live, and they honestly aren't even aware of it or have any understanding that other people value it. I noticed this when I flew Air China out of Beijing, mostly locals. Their etiquette with regard to personal space was

According to the cops, the cab driver technically didn't break any laws because he did not seem to mean Alexis any harm though her parents are now pushing for laws that require taxi drivers to verify the age of young passengers traveling alone.

Women also allow it to happen, though. The number of women who say to me they "have to" go home and do stuff never ceases to amaze me, and most admit when you ask them that no one thinks they have to do it except them. I don't go home to cook, and amazingly enough my husband hasn't starved to death. I don't ferry my

*gives cheesy acceptance speech and takes a bow*

It is. My 17yo son casually recounted one of his encounters, and the sequence of events made it dawn on me. I accused, "OMFG you didn't give her an orgasm, did you?" He said blithely, "No?" I smacked him across the head and said I'd raised him better than that, and it was just good manners to give an orgasm to someone

Um, you do realise North America is pretty much the only part of the English-speaking world that uses a "z"? And that American English came after British English? Which means that if we're going to be all normative about it, the "z" people are wrong.