Hey Girl in the Moonlight

“we failed to resolve [the incident] in a way that made either side feel supported,”

I’d wager the Atlanta Monster podcast had something to do with it. It’s been a relatively popular podcast throughout 2018, and it’s raised the profiles of the cases.

I’m sorry but I’m not here for VAR bashing. Having the games biggest moments decided by bad officials is not what anybody wants. You can hate the handball rule but it’s hard and fast. It removes any ambiguity from the decision. VAR makes, as sure as we can get, that the right call, the right team, gets rewarded. Not

hey, another anti-VAR Deadspin article! This one making a strained cancer-cold analogy.  It’s funny that as more and more people and pundits are coming around on VAR and realizing that the real problem is vague or poorly worded rules Deadspin keeps digging in. If only they had something new to say instead of rehashing

Yes, I recall the halcyon days of yesteryear when there were no weekly controversies in soccer based on disputed handballs and offsides calls.

It’s the same as last week, when VAR disallowed a gorgeous Man City goal because it decided that Raheem Sterling’s shoulder was offside by a couple centimeters.

VAR is the answer. It is consistently righting wrongs and keeping outcomes legitimate. You would rather see City win a match they shouldn’t have won? Get off it, Deadspin. This “VAR is bad” take is the worst take since Burneko’s ridiculous Anthony Davis takes that he went on a ban rampage over.

Oh hey is it that time again for a hit piece by Billy who somehow advocates against making sure the call on the field is correct?  All rule judging should be taken out of the hands of meat sacks. It's the exact reason why baseball needs an electronic umpire behind home plate to call balls and strikes. So it's

DEadspin/Billy against getting calls right. Such a shocker

Yes, like lots of ”Christians”in this country they claim tolerance and love and then act in a way that goes against that

You’re wrong on almost every level. Chick-fil-A is a privately held company and its profits have been used, and almost certainly continue to be used, to support anti-LGBTQ causes. Dan Cathy isn’t just a hired-gun CEO; he and his family own the company.

Cathy is baptist garbage and they donated 2 million of the profits they made from the store to anti gay groups through the Winshape foundation.

Yeah that ain’t drool.

I already can’t wait for the next episode of Manchester Divided.


The scene where Alba got out of bed and was just standing there in the living room made me nervous.

Loved: Warren rubbing her hands together with glee when Don Lemon asked Delaney (who was a millionaire when he was alive) how he’d feel about giving all his (two cents per dollar over the first fifty million dollars) money to her proposed wealth tax:

Real Madrid is worth $4.2 billion and had $893 million in revenue last year. Manchester United is worth $3.8 billion and had $795 million in revenue last year. These are two of the three most exorbitantly wealthy cash-printing economic juggernauts in the history of any sport ever. Don’t blame economics for their

As a lifelong Astros fan, this has been tough to watch for Jake. He is a stand-up dude who plays hard 100% of the time. He’s a tall, big guy (6’4”, 220 lbs) who is one of our fastest base runners and routinely makes amazing plays in center field due primarily to his speed.

This guy did something bad, so he deserves a suspension and a fastball to the skull.”

Yeah, but can you imagine her as President?