Hey Girl in the Moonlight

Every single white woman that reads Jez knows at least one white woman/person that voted for trump. Some of y’all are even related to trump voters. Sit with that knowledge. And when the 53% stat is thrown at you, reach out to that trump voter you know and ask what’s good?

My life became ~100% better when I took god out of it so...

What I don’t understand about the criticism of Bernie (not to say I don’t think he doesn’t need to be pushed on issues of race) is that at the end of the day, his policies help black and brown people.

I mean, technically, he’s not a Democrat. I think everyone that is liberal and not a bernie supporter sees that his ideas of progressive causes are just lacking on an intersectional level. Until Bernie and his supporters come to terms with that, unfortunately, he will continued to be mentioned as the progressive

My biggest issue with that “but Hillary” refrain is, Hillary never claimed to be a lefty socialist. Sure she called herself progressive but her definition of progressive was clear to her. Bernie and the lefty folks claim to be the leftest that ever lefted and stake the most left position on some policy issues but some

Absolutely. He just needs to go one step further and link economics and racism. But it is as if he skipped that lesson and is just unwilling to make that connection.

Internalized misogyny is real and takes a lot of work for women to see how they are complicit in it and unlearn.

I watched it with my sister over christmas. I have been describing it as “the movie that did not need to exist but it was somewhat entertaining and I’m glad I did not pay full price for it”

I tore my chin as a kid and have a scar there. It’s not even that visible and I am still self conscious about it.

I’m glad to see Hall and Oates fans in these parts. I’m considering seeing them in concert later this year. Hall and Oates and Radiohead are the two acts I need to see live before I die.

Sounds like your husband suffers from the H-factor problem most Nigerians do (especially if he is ethnically Yoruba). We add H to vowels when they are not there and remove it when it is there. I have to take a second to think about Hour vs Our when I am speaking or house, home...

I watched all of season 1 last Saturday while I was recovering from a cold/cough. It was amazing. I cough every time I laugh so I was coughing all day

Minor detail, I’m pretty sure Amaya got the Earth Totem at the end when Ray saves her. The Legends have the Earth Totem.

They sure got a kick out of showing what they’ve dubbed “The Miracle on Snow” over and over again. The Norwegian Cross-Country skier that fell at the beginning of the race. At a point, I said I don’t need to see this guy get trampled again. I’m not squeamish and I knew the guy was ok in the end but they showed that

The Russians have “hacked” the scoring. Put all the jumps to the second half and you get that sweet 10% bump. They still have to land the jumps, which they do and it is beautiful but it also sucks that everyone is basically skating for Silver and Bronze. I think Figure Skating is gonna have to say you have to do a set

OT but every time I see her, she looks more and more like Bella after she got pregnant with the vampire baby that slowly sucked the life out of her in Twilight.

Just stopping by to say Kelendria was always my favorite Destiny’s Child

I kinda disagree with this. They have provided a platform for black male comics to showcase their talents. It might be erasure in their private life in that they don’t/haven’t dated black men (to the best of my knowledge and there is nothing wrong with that) but they also promote black comedians.

I really like their podcast and both of their sense of humor. I will say they both grew up in very white environments that shaped who they are, who they date and how they come across. I don’t think there is anything wrong with it because they are both pretty open on their podcast about the type of environment they

It seems that Karla Souza is at the very least trilingual, which makes me love her even more than I already do